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전남대학교 건축학부 교수로 재직 중인 김경식은 주거, 상업, 교육, 연구 및 도시 설계에 이르기까지 다양한 스펙트럼의 프로젝트 경험을 가지고 있습니다. Adjaye Associates 뉴욕 오피스를 비롯하여 SOM 뉴욕, Diiller Scofidio+Renfro 뉴욕, Ateliers Jean Nouvel 파리, Wiliam O'Brien Jr. 보스턴, 그리고 Mass Studies 서울 오피스에서 실무를 쌓았습니다.

미국 MIT 건축대학원과 서울 홍익대학교에서 건축학을 전공하였으며, ​미국 건축사(뉴욕주)로 등록되어 있습니다.

​김경식_ 전남대학교 건축학부 교수, 미국건축사

Kyungsik Kim, AIA, NCARB

Assistant Professor at Chonnam National University, School of Architecture

As a director of idl, Kyungsik Kim has a wide range of professional experiences on various projects including residential, commercial, retail, educational, institutional, transportational, and urban design. He has worked at several offices including Adjaye Associates(NY), SOM(NY), Diller Scofidio+Renfro(NY), Ateliers Jean Nouvel(Paris), William O'Brien Jr.(MA), and Mass Studies(Seoul). 

He holds the Master of Architecture from MIT Graduate School of Architecture and Planning, and the Bachelor of Architecture from Hongik University School of Architecture.

He is a registered architect in New York State, and a member of American Institute of Architects.


Boseung Lee

Yoonki Kim


2024 Architecture MasterPrize Winner

2023 27th KISD Int'l Space Design Exhibition Outstanding Work Prize

2022 26th KISD Int'l Space Design Exhibition Outstanding Work Prize

2022 iF Design Awards Winner

2021 A'Design Awards Silver Winner

2020 Architecture MasterPrize Honorable Mention


The 48th Central Glass International Architectural Design Competition_2nd Place

The 9th AC-CA International Architectural Competition_Honorable Mention

The 28th Space Prize for International Student of Architectural Design

MIT School of Architecture and Planning Fellowship

School of Architecture Hongik University Graduate Excellent Award


AIA ALNNJ 2021 4Q (Dec 2021)

Top Design of Small Projects 2 (Dec 2020)

AW #305 (OCT 2020)

CONCEPT (Nov 2020)

[Trans-]IENT Issue 03 (2017)

Future #41/42 International Edition (2016)

JA #92 (2013)

SPACE #517 (2010)


Copyright © idl. all rights reserved.

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